Everyone looks for ways to save money. You get a feeling of satisfaction when you’ve paid far less for items than their MSRP. Four small changes can help your mom save money on her groceries. She’ll have extra money in her pocket and feel great knowing she paid less for the items she needed.
Use Coupons
Coupons can be a hassle for people who don’t like to spend time clipping coupons and keeping them organized. Online coupon apps make this easier than ever. See if her local grocery store has an app. If it does, it should link up to sites like Coupon.com that store coupons of interest in a digital folder.
When your mom shops for groceries, she gives her phone number or customer number at the register. The coupons she’s clipped are applied to the final bill. Some stores add their own coupons, too. She’ll find deals like $10 off a $100 purchase or free items from time to time.
Look for Close Out Deals
When a store is removing an item from their inventory due to low sales or when items near their sell-by date, they’ll get discounted. Some stores discount these items by 50 percent or more. Keep an eye out for these deals.
Coffee, baking needs, and spices are some of the items that are often found in clearance or close-out bins. She may find bags of coffee beans for $2 or jars of pumpkin pie spice for $1. If her store discounts meats and produce, those are other deals she won’t want to miss.
Shop at a Dollar Store
Some items are good dollar store purchases. If she has a local dollar store, she should look for some of her frequent purchases there. It’s a good place to stock up on common items like white vinegar, packs of sponges, and natural fruit juice.
Plan a Menu
Have your mom work on a weekly menu with you or another caregiver. With a firm menu, she’ll have a shopping list that helps her avoid splurge purchases. If she relies on websites that focus on healthy, budget-friendly meals, she can keep her costs to a minimum.
Budget-friendly meals are a must when planning a menu. Replacing the ground beef in a chili recipe with lentils or dried beans makes it healthier and less expensive. With the tips she’ll find on those sites, she’ll save money and enjoy healthy twists on her favorite meals.
Would home care services benefit your mom when it comes to menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal preparation? Has she mentioned how she would like to have someone staying and eating with her each night? Caregivers can help. She’ll gain help with meals, shopping, and companionship. Find out pricing for caregivers by making a call.
If you or an aging loved one are considering a Caregiver in Madison, FL, please call the caring staff at Hopewell In-Home Senior Care today at 850-386-5552. Providing Senior Care Services in North Florida.